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The Vocation to Celibacy

The Vocation to Celibacy

Theology of the Body, Part 3 - 3

This is not a separate, unrelated discussion but a continuation of the analysis of the resurrection. Continence is a sign that the body, whose end is not the grave, is destined for eternal glory.

”When someone chooses marriage, he must choose it exactly as it was instituted by the Creator “from the beginning”; he must seek on it those values that correspond to the plan of God; if on the other hand someone decides to follow continence for the kingdom of heaven, he must seek in it the values proper to such a vocation.” (TOB 79:6)

John Paul II emphasizes that in every case it is characteristic of the human heart “to accept even difficult demands in the name of love for a person”. (TOB 80:1) This is true whether that person is a spouse and children of the family or Christ himself in consecrated celibacy.

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