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Gospel of "Purity of Heart"

Gospel of "Purity of Heart"

Theology of the Body, Part 2 - 4

“Through redemption, every human being has received himself and his own body anew, as it were, from God. Christ inscribed in. the human body a new dignity, because he himself has taken up the human body together with the soul into union with the person of the Son-Word. (TOB 56:4)

In this lesson we turn to St Paul and his teachings on purity. Only if we live in purity can we live in freedom. St Paul tells us, “For freedom Christ has set us free.” (Galatians 5:3) This freedom is for love. Living according to the flesh is not freedom. Purity is about self-mastery, self governance. Purity is “an ability centered on the dignity of the body, that is on the dignity of the person.” (TOB 56:1)

At 1 Corinthians 6:19, St Paul says that the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. This means that I must treat my own body and the body of every other person with the respect due to a temple of the Holy Spirit.

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