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Sacramentality and Marriage

Sacramentality and Marriage

Theology of the Body Part 4 - 1

The key text here and for Saint John Paul II’s analysis from this point on is Ephesians 5:21-33. Underlying the analysis of sacrament and of marriage in particular is St. Paul’ analogy of the relationship between Christ and his Body, the Church, and the relationship between husband and wife.

In his letter to the Ephesians St Paul situates his discourse on marriage within the context of the mystery of Christ bringing all things into unity. This realized in the Church. The governing principle for both terms of the analogy Christ-Church and husband-wife is Spousal love, the complete gift of self. Christ accomplishes this through his gift of self on the cross, while husband and wife realize this love in their marriage.

It is important to understand that for John Paul II this text does not imply any form of the wife to her husband. The two are equally persons, partners of the Absolute and destined for union with God.

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