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Sacrament and Mystery

Sacrament and Mystery

Theology of the Body, Part 4- 2

“According to Ephesians 5:21-33, this supernatural gift of the fruits of redemption accomplished by Christ gains the features of a spousal gift of self by Christ himself to the Church according to the likeness of the spousal relationship between husband and wife. Thus, not only the fruits of redemption are a gift, but above all Christ himself is a gift: he gives himself to the Church as his bride.” (TOB 94:5)

This is the central point of the sacramentality of marriage, indeed of sacraments as a whole. In these next few audiences, Pope John Paul II probes deeply into this mystery as it unfolds in the Old Testament, especially in the Prophets. This analogy of love points to the aspect of God’s gift of himself from the beginning. This is especially clear in his Covenant with Israel. It follows, therefore that marriage is the foundation of the whole sacramental order.

Thus, marriage is the “primordial sacrament”, even “natural” marriage. Besides being one of the seven sacraments of the Redemption, marriage is in a very real sense the “sacrament of creation”. Even if it was besmirched by human sins in all their ugly forms, marriage is holy. It is a sign of God’s love that “points to” salvation.

Therefore, marriage is not a “lesser way” to holiness, a concession to human weakness. As the primordial sacrament it is inserted into the eternal mystery hidden from the ages and revealed in Christ.

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